[C++-sig] distributing libraries built using Boost.Python

danielle amethyst brake danielleamethystbrake at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 11:41:01 EDT 2018

Hi Boost.Python friends,

I have a library, which consists foremostly of a set of bindings built
using Boost.Python, and I am finding distribution to be a barrier.
Requiring the user to build themselves prevents most of my users from,
well, being users.  Hence, I am writing today to query about best-practices
and ideas on how to distribute my Python library, that consists of pure
Python code installable via pip, a built .so library, and an underlying
.so/.a/.dyld/whatever core library also built from C++.

Thanks for your help,
Danielle Brake
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
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