[C++-sig] How to get output from python embedded in VC++

Stefan Seefeld stefan at seefeld.name
Thu Jul 20 10:34:35 EDT 2017

On 19.07.2017 23:25, Jian wrote:
> Dear Gurus,
> I want to embed python interpreter in my program. What I want is to
> redirect those output to a control such as RICHEDIT which can be
> modified as a output window in my program. So I can write *.py files
> outside of program and invoke it inside program as a script file. In
> order to get information output by the *.py file I need to get the
> stdin&stdout. I have tried some workflow but not perfect.

So you want to capture all output produced by the Python session,
without changing the behaviour of `std::cout` or `printf()`, correct ?

> 1). I have tried use Allocconsle(). But I can only get the output info
> printed by std::out & printf() in the current code. all things which
> are printed by python35.dll are missing. I used print('xxxx') in the
> *.py file to test the output. Those *.py files are OK in command line
> mode.
> 2). I also tried to derive class basic_streambuf and overwrite the
> in/out functions. It works only for output from std::out. Text from
> printf() as well as from dlls are missing.
> 3). then I tried to use linker settings as below.
> #pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:console /entry:wWinMainCRTStartup" )
> A cmd window is created along with the program. everything output from
> current process and dlls are retrieved successfully as I want. But the
> cmd window is not easy to control.
> Is there a better way for this purpose?

I suggest you import the `sys` module and substitute `sys.stdout` and
`sys.stderr` to capture output rather than send to stdout and stderr.
The technique is described in many places, for example
Please be aware that due to the way Python3 changed its representation
of strings (, unicode, bytes, etc.) you may have to be careful to find a
solution that works portably.

You could do this either in a Python wrapper script, or directly in the
code you use to initialize your Python session (in C++).

I'm only a casual Windows user (and even less programmer), so can't
comment on any Windows-specific idioms to use.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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