[C++-sig] Accessing pointer properties with boost-python ?

Vivien Henry vivh.29 at hotmail.fr
Sun Nov 1 12:25:01 EST 2015

Hello everyone,
I am new on this mailing-list, so; first, 
My name is Vivien Henry, working as Electrical Engineer in France

I am currently trying to wrap a CAD software, gerbv (http://gerbv.geda-project.org/), which is designed to handle Gerber files. (They also provide it as a library)

the file wrapper.cpp is generated through a personal script

The script is still a work in progress.
The generated code compiles, creating objects looks ok, accessing their attributes (numbers.. enums) as well.

BUT, the problem is when i want to access a property which is actually a pointer...

For instance, with this script:

>>> from gerbv import *
>>> i = gerbv_instruction_t()
>>> i
<gerbv.gerbv_instruction_t object at 0x7f655abe6788>
>>> i.opcode
>>> a = gerbv_amacro_t()
>>> a
<gerbv.gerbv_amacro_t object at 0x7f655abe67e0>
>>> a.program
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    None(amacro {lvalue})

I can't figure out what is happening here !

(you ll see that i am creating a proxy to access string and char array...)

Any help is welcome :D
Thanks a lot, 

Vivien Henry

here the specific code for this error, which is in the file wrapper.cpp

class gerbv_amacro_t_proxy: public gerbv_amacro_t{

        std::string get_name(){
            std::string s(name);
            return s;

        void set_name(std::string s){
            name = (gchar*)s.c_str();

        gerbv_amacro_t_proxy() {



// in boost_python macro... l655

class_<gerbv_amacro_t_proxy, boost::shared_ptr<gerbv_amacro_t_proxy> >("gerbv_amacro_t")
        .add_property("name", &gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::get_name, &gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::set_name)
        .add_property("program", make_getter(&gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::program, return_internal_reference<>()), make_setter(&gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::program, return_internal_reference<>()))
        .def_readwrite("nuf_push", &gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::nuf_push)
        .add_property("next", make_getter(&gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::next, return_internal_reference<>()), make_setter(&gerbv_amacro_t_proxy::next, return_internal_reference<>()))

// in boost python macro l918
class_<gerbv_instruction_t, boost::shared_ptr<gerbv_instruction_t> >("gerbv_instruction_t")
        .def_readwrite("opcode", &gerbv_instruction_t::opcode)
        .def_readwrite("data", &gerbv_instruction_t::data)
        .add_property("next", make_getter(&gerbv_instruction_t::next, return_internal_reference<>()), make_setter(&gerbv_instruction_t::next, return_internal_reference<>()))

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