[C++-sig] Subclassing C++ classes in Python

Ernie Lee tr.ernie.l at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 01:34:06 CET 2015

Hi there,

  I am creating binding for some C++ classes and I need to be able to
subclass exposed C++ classes in Python (and pass subclassed instances back
in to C++ code).

  I was able to make this work by following this example:
and creating binding for both: original C++ classes and ‘wrapper’ structs.
This however create inconvenience and path for errors because now users
need to remember to use different base class when subclassing C++ classes.
Is there is a way to achieve subclassing functionality by exposing one
class instead of two?

  When I tries to use class exposed as ’wrapper’ as substitute for C++
original class i am getting a segfault error (see example below). Is there
is something wrong with a way i create a wrapper-class or it is not
intended to work as substitute for a base class?



Python code: ————————
from subclass import *

class B(A_Wrapper):
    def __init__(self): A_Wrapper.__init__(self)

    def info(self): print 'B info!'

a = A(); a.info(); print '1'
b = B(); b.info(); print '2'

aw = A_Wrapper(); print '3'; aw.info(); print '4' # <-- segfault before '4'
got printed

C++ code: ————————
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/python.hpp>

class A
virtual ~A() { std::cout << "A destructor for object: " << this <<
std::endl; }

virtual void info() { std::cout << "C++ A info for object" << this <<
std::endl; }

struct A_Wrapper : A, boost::python::wrapper<A>
A_Wrapper() : A() {}

void info() {this->get_override("info")(); }

boost::python::class_<A, boost::noncopyable>("A")
.def("info", &A::info)

boost::python::class_<A_Wrapper, boost::noncopyable>("A_Wrapper",
 boost::python::init <>() )
.def("info", &A_Wrapper::info)
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