[C++-sig] sharing code between different python extensions

Nat Goodspeed nat at lindenlab.com
Thu Oct 23 14:11:12 CEST 2014

On Oct 22, 2014, at 8:08 AM, "Wintersberger, Eugen" <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de> wrote:

>  I have a little problem with two Python extensions (C++ with
> boost::python) where share code. 
> I have to Python extensions ('a' and 'b') each of them exporting two
> functions. What I want is to use a function exported by 'a' in the code
> of 'b'. Though the package compiles I get an unresolved symbol error
> when trying to load 'b'. 

If I were faced with this situation either in pure Python, or pure C++, I would probably break out module 'c' with functions consumed by both 'a' and 'b'.

Could this work in your situation?

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