[C++-sig] Passing opaque data to C++ callback from Python

Peter LaDow pladow at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 04:43:52 CET 2014

Thanks for the reply!

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Stefan Seefeld <stefan at seefeld.name> wrote:
> You defined 'do_something' as a callback, and registered it so it could
> be called from C++, yes ? Then, in your implementation of

Yes.  At some pointer in the future, the Python function
'do_something' will be called from C++.

> 'register_callback', 'o' is actually a reference to your callback

Right.  Using 'o' I can maintain a reference to the Python callback.

> function. Do you want to access the persistent state while registering
> the callback, or from within the callback ? Or am I misreading the code
> above ?

I need access to the persistent state while registering the callback.
In fact, that persistent state is the context in which the callback
from C++ into Python will be done.  That is, I need to register 'o'
(which references the Python 'do_something') in that persistent state.

I think I figured out a mechanism.  I was trying to make
'register_callback' a module function.  I get that I could do
something like:

class persistent_state_t

    void register_callback(boost::python::object& cb);

Then I could register persistent_state_t::register_callback, then
create an instance of persistent_state_t, and store that object.  Then
calls from Python to C++ would always be within the context of the
particular instance of persistent_state_t.  The issue was figuring out
where to store an instance of persistent_state_t, make it visible to
the user, and to prevent issues such as copies, deletion, etc.  I
wanted it to look like a module.

The solution that I'm working with now is to store the instance of
persistent_state_t in sys.modules with the name of the module.  It is
a class instance, rather than a module.  But calls are within the
context of the state.  And since sys.modules (retrieved using
PyImport_GetModuleDict) is a per-interpreter variable, I'm not
polluting other interpreters running.


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