[C++-sig] Building tutorial example out of the boost tree, on Windows

Raghvendra Jain raghavendra.jain at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 17:40:16 CEST 2013

I recommend you better use the source rather than some pre-compiled
binaries. I tried binaries and I had failed.  I use Python 2.7.3 and VS
2008. Actually Victor and I, we tried only for embedding since this was our
need. But extending should not be any different ( my guess)...please write
back when it works ( or doesn't) ..

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 12:35 AM, Gary Oberbrunner <garyo at genarts.com> wrote:

> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Raghvendra Jain" <raghavendra.jain at gmail.com>
> *To: *"Development of Python/C++ integration" <cplusplus-sig at python.org>
> *Sent: *Monday, October 7, 2013 10:58:45 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [C++-sig] Building tutorial example out of the boost
> tree,        on Windows
> Regarding your question, about building dll file, if you mean by
> boost_python-vc110-mt-gd-1_54.dll
> this dll (along with other dll and lib files) are generated after using
> build with b2. You just need to place it in your output directory in Debug
> folder.
> Hi Raghav; no, I seem to have that dll.  I meant the dll that results from
> building the extension project itself -- I guess it's actually a .pyd;
> sorry for the confusion.
> Your link at garkavictor says to ignore bjam and b2 and just make a Visual
> Studio project to build the extension; I guess I will also try that next.
>  (I am one of the maintainers of SCons, the python-based build tool; if I
> can make it build under VS I can probably also make it build under SCons,
> which would be cool.)
> Actually now that I am looking closely at your blog post, it is for going
> the other way ("embedding" rather than "extending") but I guess extending
> is similar, just make a DLL project and rename the output or something
> maybe?
> --
> Gary Oberbrunner
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