[C++-sig] Exposing a C-style array data member to Python via Boost.Python

Ashish Sadanandan ashish.sadanandan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 23:16:21 CEST 2013

Ashish Sadanandan <ashish.sadanandan <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I have a struct that contains a C-style array data member. I'd like to have
> this struct exposed to Python, and this data member be accessible as a tuple
> in Python.
> struct S
> {
>   char arr[10];
> };
> So the question is, how can I expose that C-style array data member to
> Python as a tuple?

I screwed up the question. I actually need a list, not a tuple, since it
needs to be modifiable on the Python side. The rest of the question remains
the same; except I should also mention that the array in question is 4128
chars long, not just 10. So copying it is not as trivial as the question
first implies.

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