[C++-sig] to_python converter and make_getter

Jim Bosch talljimbo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 19:03:05 CET 2013

On 01/23/2013 12:56 PM, Michael Wild wrote:


> Yes, I thought of that too. While this "solves" this case (it certainly
> is not very discoverable for future maintainers), it does not help in
> the case of container support. Say I wanted to expose
> std::vector<QString> (or std::vector<ustom_string> from the Boost.Python
> FAQ, for that matter) using the boost::python::vector_indexing_suite. I
> am perfectly able to create such a list, I can append items, the only
> thing I can't do is *retrieving* them. It's like a black hole for data ;-)

I'm afraid the vector_indexing_suite is some black magic I'm not 
terribly familiar with.  But I do know that in some contexts it returns 
proxy objects in order to allow setting and safer lifetime management, 
and I suspect that's what is not playing nicely with your custom 
converters.  Or have you investigated that further and determined that 
it's calling make_getter, and that's why you're focused on that?

In any case, I think you may be able to pass a call policy to 
vector_indexing_suite, though I may be thinking of the v2 indexing suite 
that never got packaged with boost::python but is available as part of 
Roman's Py++.


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