[C++-sig] Additional tutorials on building a Boost::Python module?

Rohan Smith rohan.preacher.smith at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 15:33:25 CET 2013

Can anyone point me towards any tutorials on building a boost::python 
module using Mingw/GCC for Python 3? I'm able to invoke bjam as per [1], 
but it fails when it gets up to the "copy hello.py"[3] command, which 
causes the rest of it to fail. Attempting to copy the .py beforehand 
results in it being unable to find a path and quitting with exit status 
3. I've had some success with [2] but hit a brick wall at the 
"initPointless()" line of "Creating a Module", presumably because of a 
change between the version used in that tutorial and 1.52.0.


[2] http://members.gamedev.net/sicrane/articles/EmbeddingPythonPart1.html

[3] copy hello.py
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

     copy /b  + this-file-does-not-exist-A698EE7806899E69 "hello.py" 

...failed copy hello.py bin\hello.test\gcc-mingw-4.7.2\debug\hello.py...
...removing hello.py
...skipped <pbin\hello.test\gcc-mingw-4.7.2\debug>hello for lack of 


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