[C++-sig] double free segfaults

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at utulsa.edu
Fri Aug 30 23:15:12 CEST 2013

Hello all.

I have been trying to wrap a third party C++ library with boost::python
(first time using boost::python!), and on a very simple example I seem to
be getting double free segfaults, so I am here soliciting advice. Does
anything stand out?

In gdb, I can't seem to catch it calling any particular destructor more
than once.

In pure c++, the class I am wrapping does not exhibit any such segfaults on
simple usage, eg
CMOOSApp *app = new CMOOSApp();
delete app;

and other classes in the library do not exhibit such segfaults when I wrap


#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <MOOS/libMOOS/MOOSLib.h>

using namespace boost::python;

    class_<CMOOSApp, boost::noncopyable>("MOOSApp");


import MOOSCore

thing = MOOSCore.MOOSApp()


$ python test.py
*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (out):
0x0000000000f92b50 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

the class CMOOSApp is defined here:


my complete code can be found here on the off chance someone wants to
tinker with it:

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