[C++-sig] boost::python with virtual inheritance and g++ c++0x/11 (testcase attached)

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Tue May 22 19:05:57 CEST 2012

On 22 May 2012 at 18:33, Jonas Wielicki wrote:

> > BTW - can I just clarify you ARE compiling the entire of BPL using 
> > C++11 throughout? Linking C++11 to C++03 is *supposed* to work (but 
> > not the other way round), but I can see nests of vipers in it.
> Ehm, I guess not, so I just downloaded and rebuilt boost 1.48 in the
> virtual machine (no fun) with -std=c++11 flag (I added this in the
> project-options.jam file at the using line; running ./b2 -d2 showed me
> that the flag was passed to the gcc too). Still, the crash occurs at the
> same place.


> > Given the information so far, you have an excellent chance of getting 
> > it fixed.
> Okay, so I'm taking you suggest I submit both compilation attempts
> (inheritance.cpp and crashtest.cpp) with -save-temps for comparision to
> the gcc devs? Of course with all the information I gathered so far.

Include the answers to the questions I asked about force inlining, is 
BPL compiled as c++11, the problem doesn't show in c++03 etc. It 
shows you've been thorough.

Do post the bugzilla link here, I'd like to CC into it.


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