[C++-sig] boost::python with virtual inheritance and g++ c++0x/11 (testcase attached)

Jonas Wielicki j.wielicki at sotecware.net
Mon May 14 16:22:54 CEST 2012

On 05/14/2012 04:05 PM, Niall Douglas wrote:
> Debian doesn't necessarily install by default 
> multiple versions of compilers, rather they're in the repos available 
> as package dependencies. Surely Fedora is the same?
Nope, I was talking about the repositories.

> Ah, my build system has been scons for years now. As that's really 
> python, it's trivial to scan /usr/bin for anything which can compile 
> and invoke each with --version or take a guess from their filename.
Okay, we're on cmake here. I really should take a look at scons. I mean,
its python.

> Indeed. My experience has been trying when reporting complex 
> metaprogramming bugs in GCC. They say things like "we regularly test 
> against Boost and the compiler passes all its regression tests, 
> therefore the bug can't be in our compiler". Understandable, but 
> frustrating.
This sounds a bit like one should add that testcase to the regression
testsuite in boost to get a gcc bug fixed, eh? ;).

>> Clang doesn't compile boost python 1.49 at all. Sadly.
Sure, you're right. Sorry, it was my fault in reading clang's error
messages. It chockes on the c++ stl bits, not on boost, but they're
included from boost, so the first thing I read was “boost”.
Well, I cannot tell if it would choke on boost too, but I guess your
testing setup is more sane than mine (at least it's not holding a spatula).


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