[C++-sig] How can I make myself usefull?

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Sun May 13 19:53:26 CEST 2012

On 12 May 2012 at 18:48, Jim Bosch wrote:

> Another thing to consider is C++11 support, and particularly support for 
> the C++11 standard library.  I don't know think any of the original 
> library builders or maintainers has any plans to devote any of their own 
> time to add support for e.g. std::tuple or even std::shared_ptr and 
> unique_ptr, but that's going to be increasingly important as C++11 
> compiler support gets better.  Being able to wrap C++ functions that 
> take rvalue reference arguments would be another important C++11 feature 
> to support, but possibly a lot harder.

Very good point Jim. I must get round to reading the C++11 spec from 
cover to cover, it's not an exciting task but something which every 
C++ programmer ought to do. In particular I know I'm not familiar 
enough with the new library additions.  

Does anyone know of a good book summarising the new bits in C++11, or 
of such a book to be released in the next six months? A lot of C++ 
books aren't great in my experience, either badly written or too hand 
holding. Something to the point like "Modern C++ Design" would be 
great, but I can't see Andrei targeting C++11 now he has D to think 
about. I would be happy to learn otherwise though.  


Technology & Consulting Services - ned Productions Limited.
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