[C++-sig] Re : [boost] Re : Using an element of a class A in a constructor of a class B (reflection with boost::python)

christophe jean-joseph jjchristophe at yahoo.fr
Thu Mar 15 14:22:00 CET 2012


The situation is as follow.

I have a C++ code that I haven't written and that I barely can modified. I am supposed to reflect this code in Python with boost.
In the code, I have something looking like this:

Class A_Base {
  Whatever virtual and pure virtual functions;

Class A_Derived{
  A_Derived(Type1 arg1,...){whatever instructions;}
  Whatever functions;

Class B {
  B(A_Base& aBase, double& x){};
  Whatever functions;

In the C++ main, at some point aDerived A_Derived is set, and then B(aDerived, x).
I need to reflect that under python.
Until now, I have been able, with a simple example, to reflect a function f, 
which is not a ctor, from a class B using A_Base& as argument type, 
but I can't figure out how to deal with it for a constructor.
Based on:


I am declaring f under both its class B and A_Base as follow:

class_A_Base <A, boost::noncopyable>("A_Base", no_init)  //this line can be modified

    .def("f", &B::f);
class_B <B, boost::noncopyable>("B", init< >())  //this line can be modified
    .def("f", &B::f);

But when I try this for a constructor as f, it refuse to compile.
Anyone got a clue?
Thank you very much in advance for any further help.
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