[C++-sig] Boost.Python - Passing boost::python::object as argumentto python function?

Giuseppe Corbelli giuseppe.corbelli at copanitalia.com
Thu Dec 6 09:18:34 CET 2012

On 06/12/2012 01:17, Jaedyn K. Draper wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> So I'm working on a little project in which I'm using Python as an embedded
> scripting engine. So far I've not had much trouble with it using boost.python,
> but there's something I'd like to do with it if it's possible.
> Basically, Python can be used to extend my C++ classes by adding functions and
> even data values to the class. I'd like to be able to have these persist in
> the C++ side, so one python function can add data members to a class, and then
> later the same instance passed to a different function will still have them.
> The goal here being to write a generic core engine in C++, and let users
> extend it in Python in any way they need without ever having to touch the C++.
> So what I thought would work was that I would store a |boost::python::object|
> in the C++ class as a value |self|, and when calling the python from the C++,
> I'd send that python object through |boost::python::ptr()|, so that
> modifications on the python side would persist back to the C++ class.
> Unfortunately when I try this, I get the following error:
> |TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:
> boost::python::api::object|
> Is there any way of passing an object directly to a python function like that,
> or any other way I can go about this to achieve my desired result?

Please post some example code. Is it an option to aggregate a std::map<string, 
bpy::object*> into the C++ class? It would serve somehow like a "__dict__" on 
the C++ side.

             Giuseppe Corbelli
WASP Software Engineer, Copan Italia S.p.A
Phone: +390303666318  Fax: +390302659932
E-mail: giuseppe.corbelli at copanitalia.com

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