[C++-sig] pygccxml isn't working with Python 2.7 win64

Davidson, Josh josh.davidson at lmco.com
Mon Aug 13 00:51:14 CEST 2012

Let's try this once more...

<             cmd_line = '"%s"' % cmd_line
>             cmd_line = '%s' % cmd_line
<                                         , shell=True
>                                         , shell=False if 'nt' == os.name else True

Command line isn't being split, so shell=True is required for *nix.
From: Davidson, Josh
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 4:40 PM
To: cplusplus-sig at python.org
Subject: RE: pygccxml isn't working with Python 2.7 win64

Here is a patch that works for both 2.6 & 2.7:

D:\SimExternalInterfaces>diff C:\temp\pygccxml\pygccxml_dev\pygccxml\parser\source_reader.py C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygccxml\parser\source_reader.py
<             cmd_line = '"%s"' % cmd_line
>             cmd_line = '%s' % cmd_line
<                                         , shell=True
>                                         , shell=False

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