[C++-sig] weak_ptr to this in C++ classes extended from python

Holger Brandsmeier brandsmeier at gmx.de
Sun Apr 22 21:42:47 CEST 2012

Dear list,

how is it possible to have a class in C++ that can be extended from
python and that stores a weak_ptr to itself?

The reason why I want to do this:
 - using a weak_ptr to itself does not introduce a memory leak.
 - from a C++-member of that class I can call other functions that
expect a shared_ptr<>, in that case I convert the weak_ptr to a
shared_ptr and all the memory management works nicely.

The way I would suspect this to work is:
struct I {
  void setThisRCP(boost::shared_ptr<I> ptr) {
    thisRCP = ptr;

  boost::shared_ptr<I> getThisRCP() const {
    return thisRCP.lock();

  boost::weak_ptr<I> thisRCP;

Then I export this class to C++ and in python I would do:
class IDer(I):
  def __init__(self):

And I would suspect that I can use that class now in C++ and in
particular calling getThisRCP() from C++ returns a valid shared
pointer. However, immediately after the call of
`self.setThisRCP(self)` the weak_ptr is already invalid and getThisRCP
returns an shared pointer to Null (None in python).

Attached to this message is a very simple example that demonstrates
how this failes for the above implementation, the ouptu for the

print '\ntestcase for thisRCP as from python extended class:'
i = IDer()
assert i.getThisRCP() is not None

fails the assertion. However if I do the equivalent to IDer purely in
C++ (which is not really an option) then everything works (see
attachment) with the putput
testcase for thisRCP as set from C++:
destructor for J called ...

I suspect that the error comes from the fact that boost python create
as temporary shared_ptr that is passes to setThisRCP() which is not
the shared pointer that actually holds the instance of IDer in python
(is it actually hold as a shared_ptr?).

Do you have any proposal of how I can implement the above pattern with
boost python? Or is this completly impossible at the moment?

I also reported this issue before "storing weak_ptr to this in classes
extended from python" but at that time I wasn't using shared_ptr and
now I really suffer from the memory leak that was introduced by my
workaround which was to store the thisRCP as a "shared_ptr" and I
really need to fix that now. So here is a small little example that
does not depend on any other parts of my library.

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