[C++-sig] Problem Compiling Boost.Python Example

Adam Preble adam.preble at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 22:44:44 CEST 2012

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Payam Shiva <payaam.shivaa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have trouble compiling the simplest examples with Boost.Python. I
> hope you could help me find out what I'm doing wrong.
> I am using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 on 64-bit Windows 7. I use 64-bit
> version of Python 2.7.2 from Enthought Python Distribution 7.2-2. I
> installed Boost as described in "Simplified Build From Source" section
> of Boost getting started guide, i.e. going to Boost.Build directory
> and typing:
> bootstarp
> .\b2
> Boost compiled without errors (except for a warning about MPI). Then I
> created user-config.jam in my home directory containing the following
> lines:
> using msvc : 10.0 ;
> using python : 2.7 : C:\\Python 27 ;
> Then I tried compiling the tutorial example, but I got the following
> messages (and no DLL):

Building Boost.Python can be a real adventure.  From where I'm sitting
right now, I wouldn't be able to tell you what is wrong because I'm no
expert myself.  I had recently done a debug build, and wrote down my steps,
at home.  However, I'm betting you don't really need to build.  It looks to
me like you're not as concerned with building the DLL as you with just
using them.  If that is the case, then maybe consider the pre-built
libraries you could get here:


That *should* just work, but you could smash into some odd compatibility
stuff with however Enthought built their distribution--then you'd have to
build from source.
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