[C++-sig] Boost Python wrapper for a c++ class that uses Opencv 2.3

Kevin Hughes k.hughes at queensu.ca
Wed Sep 21 15:31:20 CEST 2011

I am trying to create a python library from a class which uses opencv 2.3. I
want to be able to pass numpy array's into the class where they will be
converted into cv::Mat's processed then converted back to numpy array's and

Here is a simple test class I am working on to get this working before
wrapping my own class. Currently I am just trying to receive a numpy array
concert to a cv::Mat, process it and then write it to file. After this is
working I will work on returning the processed array to python.

Here is the simple class:

foo.h :

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

 class Foo {




        cv::Mat image;

        void bar( cv::Mat in );

foo.cpp :

  #include "foo.h"



  void Foo::bar( cv::Mat in) {

      image = in;

      cv::Canny( image, image, 50, 100 );

      cv::imwrite("image.png", image);


And here is where I have attempted to wrap this class using boost::python (I
am using code from the opencv source for the the numpy to mat conversion)


#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

#include "foo.h"

using namespace cv;
namespace bp = boost::python;

//// Wrapper Functions
void bar(Foo& f, bp::object np);

//// Converter Functions

cv::Mat convertNumpy2Mat(bp::object np);

//// Wrapper Functions
void bar(Foo& f, bp::object np)

    Mat img = convertNumpy2Mat(np);



//// Boost Python Class



        .def("bar", bar)


//// Converters

cv::Mat convertNumpy2Mat(bp::object np)

   Mat m;


   return m;

The numpy_to_mat function is from the opencv source
(modules/python/src2/cv2.cpp). The full file has the function below what I
wrote above. This code compiles with bjam just fine but the when I import
into python it crashes. The error is this: libFoo.so: undefined symbol:
_ZN2cv3Mat10deallocateEv. I have tried a number of different things but I
can't get this to work.
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