[C++-sig] Inheritance problem

Holger Joukl Holger.Joukl at LBBW.de
Fri Oct 14 16:48:02 CEST 2011


 > Ok lets say my BaseClass has a member function called init( vector4 ):
> class Base
> {
> public:
>      void init( vector4 &vec ) { //doWhatEver }
>      //a lot of other functions
> };
> Unfortunetaly i can not expose this init function directly to python so
> i am writing a BaseWrapper

Why's that? Can't you expose vector4 to Python?

> So when i am exposing Base and Derived like:
> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE( my_module )
> {
>      class_<Base, BaseWrapper>( "Base", init<>() )
>      .def("init", &BaseWrapper::_init)
>      ;
>      class_<Derived, bases<Base> >( "Derived", init<>() );
> }
> I want to have all functions for objects of Derived that are available
> in Base.
> The thing is, that e.g. ipython recognizes the functions.
> So in ipython, when i have an object of type Derived with tab completion
> i see the functions from Base.
> But when i try to call them i always get this "signature" error.

I think the problem is that the Derived class doesn't actually have any
relationship with BaseWrapper, i.e.
        /   \
       /     \
      /       \
BaseWrapper  Derived

So in an example like this

// file cppcode.hpp

#include <iostream>

class Base
    int m_area;
    Base() : m_area(0) {}
    void init(int area) {
        m_area = area;
    virtual void print() { std::cout << "hello Base " << m_area <<
std::endl; }


class Derived : public Base
     virtual void print() { std::cout << "hello Derived "  << m_area <<
std::endl; }


// only to show callback-into-python-overrides necessities
void callback(Base& base) {

// file wrap.cpp

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include "cppcode.hpp"

namespace bp = boost::python;

class BaseWrapper : public Base, public bp::wrapper<Base>
    void _init(int x, int y) {
        init(x * y);

    bp::class_<BaseWrapper, boost::noncopyable>("Base")
        .def("init", &BaseWrapper::_init)
        .def("printIt", &Base::print)
    bp::class_<Derived, bp::bases<Base> >("Derived");
    bp::def("callback", &callback);


# file test.py

import cppcode

print "---> base"
base = cppcode.Base()
base.init(3, 4)

print "---> derived"
derived = cppcode.Derived()
derived.init(3, 4)

class PythonDerived(cppcode.Base):
    def printIt(self):
        print "hello PythonDerived"

print "---> python derived"
pyderived = PythonDerived()

I run into this error when trying to call .init() on the Derived object:

$ python2.7 ./test.py
---> base
hello Base 0
hello Base 12
---> derived
hello Derived 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./test.py", line 23, in <module>
    derived.init(3, 4)
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    Base.init(Derived, int, int)
did not match C++ signature:
    init(BaseWrapper {lvalue}, int, int)

Which makes sense since Derived does not inherit from BaseWrapper.

> So i do not know how to use those callback approach you suggested.
> Especially if you are using function overloading. And additionally, this
> would mean, that i have to write such a callback function for each
> function in my base class as a global function.

Never mind the callback, I might have just confused you. The callback is
only for showing
that you'd need a Wrapper class if you want to inherit in Python and be
able to call back
from C++ into Python and actually call methods overridden in Python.

> One thing i have to mention is, that it is perfectly working if i omit
> the BaseWrapper class. So if the functions of Base can be exposed
> without using a wrapper class:
> [...]
> ...works. But unfortunately not with the BaseWrapper Class :-(

Because now you don't have the problem that Derived has no inheritance
relationship with BaseWrapper.

Maybe you can just use a free function:

// file wrap.cpp

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include "cppcode.hpp"

namespace bp = boost::python;

void _init(Base& base, int x, int y) {
        base.init(x * y);

        .def("init", &_init)
        .def("printIt", &Base::print)
    bp::class_<Derived, bp::bases<Base> >("Derived");
    bp::def("callback", &callback);

# file test.py

import os
import sys

import cppcode

print "---> base"
base = cppcode.Base()
base.init(3, 4)

print "---> derived"
derived = cppcode.Derived()
derived.init(3, 4)

class PythonDerived(cppcode.Base):
    def printIt(self):
        print "hello PythonDerived"

print "---> python derived"
pyderived = PythonDerived()
# to make this invoke PythonDerived.printIt() you need a wrapper class


$ python2.7 ./test.py
---> base
hello Base 0
hello Base 12
---> derived
hello Derived 0
hello Derived 12
hello Derived 12
---> python derived
hello PythonDerived
hello Base 0


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