[C++-sig] How to configure makefile for different build platforms

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Thu Oct 6 17:11:04 CEST 2011

On 10/06/2011 05:08 PM, David Aldrich wrote:
>> You can also extract this information from various methods in the distutils
>> package.  Even if you aren't using distutils to control the build, you could ask
>> Python itself to print out the configuration variables.  For instance:
>> python -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print
>> distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()"
>> That should give you the Python include directory.  There are other methods
>> to get library names, compiler flags, and other things.
> Hi Jim
> That is very useful. Thank you.
> How could I get the major version number (e.g. 2.4) so that I can build the library type:
>      EXTRA_LIBS_R+=-lpython2.4


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