[C++-sig] [Boost.Python v3] Conversions and Registries

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Wed Oct 5 21:41:25 CEST 2011

On 5 Oct 2011 at 11:30, Dave Abrahams wrote:

> > I think this might turn into something that approaches the same mass
> > of complexity Niall describes, 
> Nothing ever needs to be quite as complex as what Niall describes ;-)
> (no offense intended, Niall)

And here I am thinking I am clear as bell! :)

No offence taken at all Dave. I often find your thinking confusing 
too. We just don't think similarly, but that's likely a good thing.

[BTW, I have a small book shortly going on sale early December 
outlining my personal recommendations on how to make human 
civilisation sustainable. If you think my coding stuff hurts the 
head, I am told that said book is unbelievably complex. Can't see why 
myself :)]

> > because a Python module can be imported into several places in a
> > hierarchy at once, and it seems we'd have to track which instance of
> > the module is active in order to resolve those scopes correctly.
> Meh.  I think a module has an official identity, its __name__.

And version and current state. It's like how a single piece of code 
can have multiple identities because multiple threads and processes 
can execute it.

> Don't let him scare you off.  He's a very smart guy, and a good guy, but
> he tends to describe things in a way that I find to be needlessly
> daunting.

Thank you Dave. I actually didn't know you had an opinion on me and I 
am genuinely both surprised and pleased. Your opinion I take 
seriously. I hope you keep your high opinion when you see me on ISO 
SC22 (I hopefully will be becoming the Irish representative for ISO 
later this month).

I agree entirely with Dave - don't let me scare you off! What you're 
doing Jim is great and keep at it. Do what you feel is best, in the 
end it's your code and your time.


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