[C++-sig] Boost python and boost signal

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Mon Nov 21 19:06:17 CET 2011

On 21 Nov 2011 at 9:08, Jay Riley wrote:

> I was wondering if it's possible to hook python functions as slots into
> boost::signal or boost::signal2 signals? I found an old thread that said
> it wasn't directly possible, but it was from 2004.  		 	   		  

Integrating this properly - or rather an enhanced version of it - was 
one of the ideas mooted for the next version of Boost.Python some 
months ago. Some clever metaprogramming can even allow python to work 
with arbitrary function pointers for callbacks :) However I don't 
think it's on the cards for what Jim is currently planning.


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