[C++-sig] [Py++] Bug in balanced file writer

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sat May 21 21:42:47 CEST 2011

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Kirill Lapshin <kir at lapshin.net> wrote:

> Hi Roman/all,
> Today I've found what I believe a bug in balanced file writer.
> Suppose you have 24 class_creators and trying to split them into 10
> buckets. What it currently does is:
> - how many creators per bucket? 24/10 = 2. uhm, ok.
> - split_sequence of 24 creators by 2, this returns 12 buckets
> - is actual number of buckets greater than requested? yes 12>10. Ok lets
> peel of last bucket and merge it into one before last.
> Now we've got 11 buckets, and we happily write 11 files... but user asked
> for 10.
> Here is a patch to fix it, it simply distributes class creators over
> buckets in round robin.

Thank you for finding bug and providing a fix!

> Any chance to get it applied?
As in many cases, the answer is "yes" and "no".

"Yes" - please open a ticket on sourceforge. I have few interesting plans
for version 2.0 which will introduce few breaking changes. I'll be glad to
insert your patch too

"No" - this is a "silent" breaking change. The developer may not pay
attention, that the last file was not updated by the code generator and
still to compile it. So, in this specific case, I prefer to keep the whole
process backward compatible and introduce the patch.

Hope, you understand.
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