[C++-sig] from_python conversion for a const char*& argument

Stefan Seefeld stefan at seefeld.name
Thu May 12 15:28:15 CEST 2011

Hi Rainer,

On 2011-05-12 08:57, Rainer Kluger wrote:
> Hi
> I try to expose the following class  to python (using gcc 4.5.1, boost
> 1_44_0, Python 2.7.1):
> // C++
> class A
> {
>      public:
>        int getName(const char*&  name);  // suppose the implementation
> assigns the const char* x = "foo"; variable to the ref-pointer
> }
> I'd like to expose this API as is and not alter the method interface so I
> think I'll have to do s.th. like this:
> ====================================
> # intended usage in Python:
>>>> import test
>>>> a = A()
>>>> x = const_char_ptr_ref()
>>>> y = a.getName(x)
>>>> x()
> 'foo'
> ====================================
> I followed the "recipes" of the python test example, realizing that
>        - m1.cpp
>        -extract.cpp
> and tried to get the things together, knowing that those example do not
> really match my use case.
> My understanding for what I need to do, are  the following steps:
>        (1) encapsulate the const char*&  variable in a container class, let's
> say ConstCharPtrRef""
>        (2) expose the ConstCharPtrRef class to Python
>        (3) provide a factory function for the class exposed in the step (2)
>        (4) expose the factory function from step (3)


>        (5) provide an extractor function which extracts the "const char*&"
> variable from within the given python argument
>        (6) register a from_python converter for the given type and the
> provided extractor function

I'm not sure I understand the need for (5) and (6). If you have defined 
a ConstCharPtrRef C++ type, and exported it to Python, you will already 
have converters between the two, so from within C++ you then can simply 
access the ConstCharPtrRef members by whatever API you define in C++. 
There is no need for extra converters at that point.

I'm also not sure the reference needs to be captured at that level, as 
that's more of a call policy (for the A::getName member function) than 
an aspect of the type.

Here is how I would approach it (caution: fully untested code):

struct ConstCharPtr
   char const *x;

// A factory...
ConstCharPtr make_ccp(...);

// the A::getName, adjusted to work with a ConstCharPtr argument
int get_name(A const &a, ConstCharPtr const &ccp) { return a.getName(ccp);}

   // Export the ConstCharPtr type...
   class_<ConstCharPtr, boost::noncopyable>  ccp("ConstCharPtr", no_init);
   // ...and define how to construct it
   ccp.def("__init__", make_cpp);

   // Export the A type...
   class_<A>  a("A");
   // and export the getName member function
   a.def("getName", get_name);


I believe this should actually do what you want.



       ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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