[C++-sig] GSoC Boost.Python project

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 14:45:06 CEST 2011

Ankit Daftery wrote:

> Hello
> I am working on the project proposal for GSoC 2011 for the Boost.python
> project, and I would like a little help.
> 1.  ndarray.hpp mentions that functionality needs to be added like the one
> in boost::python::numeric::array . Stefan suggested that Jim might be able
> to help with what exactly was intended. Is there anything specific in mind ?
> 2. Neal mentions that efficiency needs to be improved. Could you please help
> me with a little more detail about that, Neal ?

I'm not saying it needs to be improved, but it needs to be investigated.

The efficiency I'm concerned with is element access.  I think there are 2 
primary methods of element access: 1) iterator access 2) indexed access.  The 
efficiency of each should be investigated, and opportunities for needed 
optimizations considered.

> 3. ndarray.hpp also mentions that the templates "Should probably take ranges
> of iterators rather than actual container objects." Could someone explain
> what is intended ?
> Am I missing out on something essential ? Anything I should keep in mind ?
> Tips and pointers.
> Please help me out here.
> Thanks,
> Ankit

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