[C++-sig] question about implicit type conversion of vector to a custom type

Grant Tang grant.tang at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 18:37:21 CEST 2011

"Jim Bosch"  wrote in message news:4E4AD9D9.9000501 at gmail.com...

>Unfortunately, there's no "best-match" type checking in Boost.Python; when 
>trying to convert a Python object to a particular C++ type, it simply runs 
>over a list of all the converters registered (using RTTI) for that C++ 
>Each of those converters then gets a chance to check whether it "matches" 
>the Python object; if it thinks it does, none of the other converters get 
>I'd guess that's what's happening to you - implicitly_convertible doesn't 
>really do enough work in that match stage, so the first conversion you've 
>registered says "I match!" and then fails by throwing an exception.
>The fix might be in how you've written your vector<> conversions; when 
>given a list or tuple that contains the wrong element type, they need to 
>report that they "don't match", rather than matching any list or tuple and 
>then throwing an exception when the element type is incorrect.
>Good luck!
>Jim Bosch

I change my vector<> conversion(see it in my last reply) to add 
specialization for int, float, string etc.
I added type check in convertible() function:

    template <>
    struct vector_from_python <float>
            python::converter::registry::push_back(&convertible, &construct,

        static void* convertible(PyObject* obj_ptr)
            if (!(PyList_Check(obj_ptr) || PyTuple_Check(obj_ptr)
                  || PyIter_Check(obj_ptr)  || PyRange_Check(obj_ptr))) {
                return 0;

            PyObject * first_obj = PyObject_GetItem(obj_ptr, 
            if( !PyObject_TypeCheck(first_obj, &PyFloat_Type) ) {
                return 0;

            return obj_ptr;

        static void construct(PyObject* obj_ptr,
            void* storage =
((python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<vector<float> >*)
            new (storage) vector<float>();

            data->convertible = storage;

            vector<float>& result = *((vector<float>*) storage);

            python::handle<> obj_iter(PyObject_GetIter(obj_ptr));

            while(1) {
                if (PyErr_Occurred()) {

                if (!py_elem_hdl.get()) {

                python::object py_elem_obj(py_elem_hdl);
                python::extract<float> elem_proxy(py_elem_obj);

This time the implicit type conversion works perfectly. But I got a new 
problem: the memory leak!
The memory leak happens only for float type, whenever I convert the float 
list in python to vector
of float in c++, the memory for float list is leaked. I put the call in a 
function, and called the gc.collect()
after exit the function, the memory is still not recycled.

Why is the memory of the python list is not freed after exit the scope?


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