[C++-sig] Miscellaneous Boost.Python Utilities

Jim Bosch talljimbo at gmail.com
Fri May 14 02:53:45 CEST 2010

In the hope that others might find them useful, and perhaps contribute 
some of their own, I've posted a collection of miscellaneous 
Boost.Python extensions I've been using at the Boost sandbox:


Features include:

- Conversions between STL containers and Boost.Range iterator ranges and 
Python builtins like list, tuple, and dict.

- Conversions between Boost.Fusion sequences and Python tuples.

- A third solution to the const shared_ptr problem (see 
that isn't evil (I don't think) and doesn't involve changing the 
Boost.Python library itself - it simply doesn't use 
register_ptr_to_python to register the conversion.

More info is available in the README file.

Also, I'm sure many of the regulars on this list have their own similar 
extensions, and I'd love to see them collected in one place.  If you'd 
like to add your collection to mine, or have a suggestion for some other 
place I should put my collection, please let me know.  I would like to 
limit this collection to simple things that don't depend on non-Boost 
libraries, however.

Jim Bosch

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