[C++-sig] Using code generated by Py++ as a Python extension

Chris Lasher chris.lasher at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 17:23:48 CET 2010

I asked this question on Stack Overflow, but realized that perhaps few from
the Py++ community are there yet. I'm re-posting the question here; I hope
you don't mind.


I have a need to wrap an existing C++ library for use in Python. After
reading through this answer
choosing an appropriate method to wrap C++ for use in Python, I
to go with Py++.

I walked through the tutorial for Py++
using the tutorial files, and I got the expected output in
but I haven't figured out what to do in order to actually use the generated
code as an extension I can import in Python. I'm sure I have to compile the
code, now, but with what? Am I supposed to use bjam?

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