[C++-sig] ANN: PyBindGen 0.14

Gustavo Carneiro gjcarneiro at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 00:22:50 CET 2010

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> PyBindGen shows an example wrapping STL containers.  What if I need to wrap
> my own containers?  Is there some generic container machinery?

Yes, there is some generic container machinery, although it currently is
duplicating the STL container machinery.  I hope some day to converge the
two, so that STL container support code simply uses the generic code, but I
have not found motivation to do it yet.

The generic container support can be used to add container powers to any
user class, and can be seen in the unit tests module, file tests/foo.h,
classes VectorLike, VectorLike2, and MapLike.

The class VectorLike registers methods for getitem/setitem/len slots (see

    VectorLike.add_method('get_item', 'double', [Parameter.new('size_t',
'index')], custom_name='__getitem__')
    VectorLike.add_method('set_item', 'void', [Parameter.new('size_t',
'index'), Parameter.new('double', 'value')],
    VectorLike.add_method('get_len', 'size_t', [], custom_name='__len__')

The class VectorLike2 instead of the above slots defines begin/end methods
and uses iterators (see tests/foomodulegen_common.py).  The tp_iter slot is

begin_method='Begin', end_method='End', iterator_type='Iterator')

The class MapLike implements the "mapping protocol":

                                 begin_method='Begin', end_method='End',

I'm sorry for the lack of examples and documentation.  Anyway, I hope this


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
INESC Porto, UTM, WiN, http://win.inescporto.pt/gjc
"The universe is always one step beyond logic." -- Frank Herbert
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