[C++-sig] Executing python code from C++

Murray Cumming murrayc at murrayc.com
Sun Feb 7 22:51:45 CET 2010

On Sun, 2010-02-07 at 09:51 -0500, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Sorry, I don't understand the question. Can you give an example of
> what 
> you want to do ? May be you want to "exec" some python code that
> defines 
> a function, which you then want to extract and call later ?
> That may look like this:
>    // Retrieve the main module
>    bpl::object main = bpl::import("__main__");
>    // Retrieve the main module's namespace
>    bpl::object global(main.attr("__dict__"));
>    // Define the 'embedded' Python code...
>    std::string py_code = "def greeting(): print 'hello world !'";
>    // ...and execute it.
>    bpl::object result = bpl::exec(py_code, global, global);
>    // Extract the function
>    bpl::object greeting = global["greeting"]; 

Yes, this last line is what I figured out from some other example code.
It does work for me. Thanks.

I guess it make sense in terms of the weird Python C API, but it's all
far from obvious without knowledge of that.

Thanks again.

murrayc at murrayc.com

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