[C++-sig] registering the same type converter in different modules with Boost.Python

Ger van Diepen diepen at astron.nl
Mon Aug 30 09:15:56 CEST 2010

We had the same problem where one module registered converters for type
A and B and another module for type B and C. I do not know if Ralf's
solution caters for such situations with mixed types. 

We ended up having a private map (part of the shared library containing
our converters), so a converter gets only registered in Boost-Python if
not contained in the map.  


>>> "Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve" <rwgk at yahoo.com> 8/30/2010 8:57 AM >>>

> I have to convert std::pair to python tuple in different modules
> And these modules may be used concurrently, importing the second
> will report an warning like "std::pair has been already registered".

A simple and clean approach is to have another basic module that
defines the std::pair conversions,
and import that from the two modules you have already.
I never import extensions directly, but wrap each in a (possibly
trivial) Python module; this has
many advantages unrelated to your original question. Then you can
simply write:

  import basic # e.g. with std::pair converters
  from module1_ext import *

similar for module2.py.


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