[C++-sig] building modules with MSVC

Brian O'Kennedy brokenn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 19:41:51 CET 2009

It's certainly possible.

* Create a project in Visual Studio, set the output type to DLL.
* Go to Linker->Output and name the DLL as mymodule.pyd (pyd's are just DLLs
on Windows).
* Set the Additional Library paths to where you keep your boost python stub
lib for linking.
* You might need to specify the folder to the python lib too.
* Including the boost python headers will automatically cause the stub lib
to be linked against.

This is from memory so might be missing out a step or two.

Hope this helps,

2009/11/25 Simon Pickles <sipickles at googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to build boost::python modules using MSVC as opposed to
> bjam?
> I'd like MSVC to output a pyd of course.
> Thanks
> Simon
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