[C++-sig] unfriendly python error message (no line number)

amohr at pixar.com amohr at pixar.com
Mon Nov 9 01:01:49 CET 2009

> No, it is not about template-related error messages :-)...
> I am wrapping a class:
> Obviously, the error is that I forgot '()' in the second get(). I 
> am 
> getting this error message:
> 0
> <bound method X.get of <Test.X object at 0x2b0db13d4cb0>> 
> Is there a way to give user a more friendly error message in such 
> case, 
> with at least a line number where it happened?

This has nothing to do with boost.python.  It's how python works.  For example:

>>> class X(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self._x = 0
	def get(self):
		return self._x

>>> x = X()
>>> print x.get()
>>> print x.get
<bound method X.get of <__main__.X object at 0x02084FB0>>

And accessing 'x.get' is not in itself an error.  You may want to pass that bound method to a function expecting a callable, for instance.


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