[C++-sig] Iterators for heterogeneous container

Thomas Daniel thomasd57 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 7 23:25:41 CET 2009

troy d. straszheim wrote:
> Thomas Daniel wrote:
>> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(vegetables)
>> {
>>    class_<Garden>("Garden")
>>        .def("get_potatoes", &Garden::get_potatoes)
>>        .def("get_tomatoes", &Garden::get_tomatoes)
>>    ;
>>    class_<TomatoIter>("TomatoIter")
>>        .def("__iter__", &TomatoIter::get_next)
>>    ;
>> }
>> That at least compiles - unlike all my previous attempts that 
>> generate three pages of template errors - but python complain:
>> TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'Tomato'
>> so now I am trying to figure out how to tell boost that get_tomatoes 
>> returns an iterator ...
> Please don't top-post, guys
> As you know, python iterators have a function next() that returns the 
> next object in the iteree, or throw StopIteration when they're at the 
> end.  As you also know, python expects member functions __iter__() to 
> return an iterator.  Is the thing returned by TomatoIter::get_next an 
> iterator, ie does it implement the iterator interface?
> -t
Thank you very much for the email, you did put me on the right track and 
I finally figured out how to do it, with help from here also: 

The solution involves creating a wrapper class around get_next(), which 
throws StopIteration when done and a "pass_through" function to bind to 

inline TomatoIter pass_through(const TomatoIter& iter) { return iter; }

Tomato next(TomatoIter& iter) {
    Tomato tomato = iter.get_next();
    if (!tomato) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StopIteration, "No more data.");
    return tomato;

Now, I can do this:
    class_<TomatoIter>("TomatoIter", no_init)
        .def("next", next)
        .def("__iter__", pass_through)

and it works.


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