[C++-sig] Python extension for Windows failing on import

Nathan Osman george_edison55 at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 6 20:19:21 CET 2009

Have you ensured that all paths are set up properly? (Can Python find your module?) Also, does your module have the right extension?

- George

> Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 13:40:42 -0500
> From: czg at eyesee360.com
> To: cplusplus-sig at python.org
> Subject: [C++-sig] Python extension for Windows failing on import
> Hi folks,
> I'm attempting to build a Python extension and seem to be running
> repeatedly into a wall.
> The module compiles and links successfully, but attempting to import from
> a Python script kicks out the following error:
>   ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
> I'm using Boost 1.4 and Rapidmind 4.0.  I've attempted building from the
> sample project provided by python.org, and from the quickstart sample
> provided by boost, always to the same result.
> Thanks,
> Chang
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