[C++-sig] XXX undefined error throw by python, Exception caused by get_override? Safe to ignor or cause for concern?

terence tan terencebbr at gmail.com
Wed May 20 05:15:47 CEST 2009

I am implementing a interface between my C++ class and a python class that
requires the ability for the python class to have a Initialize/Update method
called  from C++ but still call the default methods of the original C++
class I am integrating. If no such methods are defined in the python class
then the default C++ methods are called. So I approach it by writing a

Right now python is throw an exception XXX undefined error saying that the
Initialize(or Update method) is undefined. I believe it is the get_override
method. Am I approaching this the wrong way? The Initialize and Update
function are virtual.

struct BaseGameWrap : BaseGame, wrapper<BaseGame>
  void Initialize()
    if (override Initialize = this->get_override("Initialize"))
#ifdef WIN32
      return call<void>(Initialize.ptr());
      return Initialize();

     // This supresses a XXX undefined error thrown by
     // by get_override when Initialize is not found. Unless a better way
     // is found to handle this.
     return BaseGame::Initialize();


void exportBaseGame()

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