[C++-sig] Pybindgen/pygccxml integration

Ben Fitzpatrick bfitzpatrick at vtiinstruments.com
Tue Jun 23 17:09:18 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting to check out pybindgen after the messages I've seen 
floating around on this mailing list, and I have a question about the 
pygccxml integration. I've made a pure-virtual class with a pointer 
return type, like so:

class pure_virtual_class
    virtual int get_value(int* value)=0;
    virtual int put_value(int value)=0;

    static pure_virtual_class* Create();

Normally I'd call add_function('get_value', retval(int), [param('int *', 
'value', transfer_ownership=True)]) (I think)
But since I'm scanning the headers with gccxml, I'm not sure how to tell 
it to transfer the ownership.
Right now it's giving me a TypeConfigurationError during 'parse', which 
appears to be because it doesn't know how to deal with the ownership.

I looked in the documentation and couldn't find anything referencing 
this, and none of the examples use gccxml.

Any ideas?

Ben Fitzpatrick

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