[C++-sig] g++ compiler limitations other than -ftemplate-depth-n and -DBOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY ?

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 8 16:39:11 CEST 2009

Christopher A Mejia wrote:
> Stefan,
> Thanks for your response.  The API that I am trying to wrap is the 
> Data Client Server portion of the U.S. Naval Research Labs' SIMDIS 
> Analysis & Display Tool (simdis.nrl.navy.mil).  This is free software, 
> but does require registration and there is a human in the loop of the 
> approval process. Anyway, I don't feel comfortable redistributing the 
> software (or preprocessed details), but if you're really interested 
> you could obtain it directly yourself.
Sorry, I'm not interested enough to register at this time. :-)
I merely tried to be helpful in debugging the issue.

> Apparently this API is a good test case for pushing some of the limits 
> of Boost.Python.  Since you agree that this is probably a compiler 
> issue, it's unlikely that you or anyone else would be able to 
> reproduce the same errors anyway.

The only compiler issue I mentioned was a misleading error message. I 
still believe the real issue might be inside boost.python (where some 
code may not support your high arity, and can't be configured with 
BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY), but I lack details to be able to confirm this.

>   I came up with a workaround, which is to wrap a version of the 
> function without the last three arguments, i.e. from Python I am OK 
> with always having those last three parameters set to their default 
> values.  But if anyone has any other ideas to try, I'd like to hear them.
It would really be best to construct the proverbial "minimal complete 
test case" that allows others to reproduce the issue. You may consider 
writing some stand-alone test using similar calls as in your code, which 
you then may freely send do this list, or file as an issue to the boost 



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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