[C++-sig] g++ compiler limitations other than -ftemplate-depth-n and -DBOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY ?

Christopher A Mejia camejia at raytheon.com
Sat Jun 6 18:45:04 CEST 2009


I'm using pyplusplus and Boost.Python to wrap a class where one of the member functions has many (28) arguments, most of them with default values.  The wrapping code handles the default arguments with the Py++ "do nothing" approach, i.e. not by using the BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS macro.  I am using bjam to build my project, and am confident that the code produced by Py++ should compile, because the other member functions with similar (but fewer) arguments and default arguments compile fine.  I did have to increase BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY, and I am sure it is large enough to cover my arguments.

I suspect I am running into a compiler limitation because I get a slightly different error message when I remove the -ftemplate-depth-128 flag (the error message appears to be truncated when I have the -ftemplate-depth-18 flag).  Here is the essence of the error message, without the -ftemplate-depth-128 flag:
/data/cmejia/install/boost_1_39_0/boost/python/detail/invoke.hpp: In function `PyObject* boost::python::detail::invoke(...
/data/cmejia/install/boost_1_39_0/boost/python/detail/caller.hpp:223:   instantiated from `PyObject* ...
/data/cmejia/install/boost_1_39_0/boost/python/object/py_function.hpp:38:   instantiated from `PyObject* ...
dcs.cpp:9:   instantiated from here
/data/cmejia/install/boost_1_39_0/boost/python/detail/invoke.hpp:75: error: must use .* or ->* to call pointer-to-member function in `f (...)'
Which doesn't make sense because none of the other code has needed to use .* or ->*.

The last 19 arguments to this member function are all doubles, all with default values.  If I remove the last 3 doubles from the wrapping code produced by pyplusplus, *and* remove them from the header file I am trying to wrap, I am able to compile successfully.  (If I remove them only from my wrapping code, but not from the header file I am trying to wrap, I am unable to compile.)  Anyway, this seems to indicate that the compiler is running up against some limit, and I was wondering if there was a flag to set to get past this problem.  The current set of compiler flags, from bjam, are 

"g++"  -ftemplate-depth-128 -O0 -fno-inline -Wall -g -fPIC  -DBOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY=40 

I am using g++ version 3.4.6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 6).  Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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