[C++-sig] Boost.Python is slow?

Tyomich on the AIR cadchrk at narod.ru
Mon Jul 13 04:19:57 CEST 2009

Hello everyone! I'm currently embedding Python and have a problem. I have a struct (point) which looks like

struct TPoint
    int x, y;

And I want it to be usable from Python. I made it in two ways: the first one was writing all the warpping by myself according to Python/C API, and the second was wrap it with Boost.Python. So it looks like

    .def_readwrite("x", &TPoint::x)
    .def_readwrite("y", &TPoint::y);

It wraps ok but here is a problem: I create a huge (1000000 items) list of objects of that type:

def cr_fig(n):
res = []
while n>0:
n -= 1
return res

And then when I use a simple function which just increments the x member of every object, this function takes about 4 seconds to process the whole list (1000000 items) of Boost-wrapped objects and less than a second to process objects of my own wrapping! How this can be possible? Is Boost.Python much more slower than Python itself?

Regards, Artyom Chirkov.

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