[C++-sig] [] subscript notation with boost::python

troy d. straszheim troy at resophonic.com
Mon Feb 23 19:15:45 CET 2009

Maik Beckmann wrote:
> Murray Cumming schrieb am Montag 23 Februar 2009 um 12:39:
>> I'm trying to support this notation in python:
>> something = record["somefieldname"]
> [snip]
>> I'm now trying to do this with boost::python, like so, because googling
>> has suggested that this should work:
>> boost::python::class_<Glom::PyGlomRecord>("Record")
>>   .def("__getitem__", &Glom::PyGlomRecord::getitem)
>>   .def("__len__", &Glom::PyGlomRecord::len)
>> But when I try to use that in Python, I get this error:
>> "Boost.Python.class' object is unsubscriptable"

You're trying to subscript a class, not an instance of a class.  I bet 
you've got something like this:

   r = Record
   feh = r['thing']

which is wrong...  you want:

   r = Record()
   feh = r['thing']


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