[C++-sig] Trouble optimizing Boost.python integration

Dan Sanduleac sanduleac.dan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 23:48:02 CEST 2009


I'm trying to compare different python-C wrapping techniques to see 
which would be faster and also more suited to game development.
I'm using Stackless Python 2.6.2 and boost 1.39.0. I implemented a 
simple Vec3 (3D vector) class in C++ and wrapped it with boost:python.
All it does is multiplications and additions, so it implements just two 
The thing is, it proves to be kind of slow compared to Cython/Pyrex code 
that does the same. I think it should run faster than Cython code.
(Note: Cython is not an abbreviation for C/Python API)
I compiled the python library from boost, in release mode, and then 
linked the vec3 module, provided below,
to the compiled boost_python library. (I used -O2 when compiling the 
vec3 module)

The testing goes like this: each "tick", 10000 objects update their 
position, according to their velocity and timedelta since last "tick",
and I'm measuring the average time a tick takes to complete.
On my machine doing this with Cython takes ~0.026 sec/tick, while doing 
it with boost.python takes like 0.052 sec/tick
(The overhead introduced by python's iterating through the list of 
objects each tick is about 0.01 sec)
During one tick, for each object, python runs this: "self.position += 
self.velocity * time_delta",
where position and velocity are instances of Vec3.

I was hoping for results better than with Cython, by using Boost. Am I 
doing something wrong?

Source code:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;

class Vec3 {

    float x, y, z;

    Vec3(float x, float y, float z);
    Vec3 &operator*=(float scalar);
    Vec3 operator*(float scalar) const;
    Vec3 &operator+=(const Vec3 &who);
    // that `const Vec3` is REALLY needed, unless you want error monsoon 
to come down

// === boost:python wrapper ===
// publish just += and * to python

    class_<Vec3>("Vec3", init<float, float, float>())
        .def(self += self)
        .def(self * float())

// === implementation ===

Vec3::Vec3(float x, float y, float z) {
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    this->z = z;

Vec3 & Vec3::operator*=(float scalar) {
    this->x *= scalar;
    this->y *= scalar;
    thiz->z *= scalar;a

Vec3 Vec3::operator*(float scalar) const {
    return Vec3(*this) *= scalar;

Vec3 & Vec3::operator+=(const Vec3 &who) {
    this->x += who.x;
    this->y += who.y;
    this->z += who.z;
    return *this;

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