[C++-sig] Keyed properties?

Jakob van Santen jvansanten at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 15:23:06 CEST 2009


I'm in the process of hiding the unnecessarily verbose parts of a C++  
interface behind Python properties, and I've run in to a slight  
problem. We have a bunch of classes that expose private std::vectors  
via Get(int index) and Set(int index, value_type& val) methods.  
Ideally, I'd like to replace

thingy.SetATWDGain(1, 254.5)


thingy.atwd_gain[1] = 254.5

I know how I would solve this in pure Python (something similar to  
this: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/440514/), but I'm wondering  
if there's a clever way to do this in Boost.Python without messing  
around with the library itself. If anyone has done this already, I'd  
be curious to know how.

Jakob van Santen

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