[C++-sig] std_map_indexing_suite

troy d. straszheim troy at resophonic.com
Wed Apr 1 21:17:02 CEST 2009

troy d. straszheim wrote:
> I'm wondering why the current map_indexing_suite is the way it is.  Is 
> there any reason not to enhance it to support now standard methods like 
> keys(), values(), popitem() and the like?

A colleague and I have been working on an indexing suite that gives a 
wrapped std::map essentially the same interface as a python dict.  The 
main reason is that the minimal interface of the current 
map_indexing_suite has the effect of making the python-wrapper 
abstraction 'leaky'... that is, beginners who know nothing of C++ 
naturally ask why they can do these things with a dict 'd':

    d = dict([('one',1), ('two', 2)])

    for k,v in d.iteritems():
        print k, v*2




    d.iterkeys()   (and a few others)

but they cannot do so with a python class that is a wrapped 
std::map<string, double>...   This is a big hassle for the architect who 
wants to be able to allow some of the userbase to remain completely 
ignorant of the C++ side of things.

Any interest in getting this documented and in to the library?

Current version attached.  May still have some bugs and/or need some 


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