[C++-sig] Reference counted object return value policy

Jean-Sébastien Guay jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com
Wed Sep 24 15:03:52 CEST 2008

Hello David,

> I don't think I said that.  I don't know anything about your ref_ptr,
> its relationship to osg::Node, or the reference count that you might
> have for your new Node, so I wouldn't make such an assertion.

Of course, I was interpreting what you said (perhaps too 
enthusiastically). I've really been impressed at how boost.python seemed 
to just do the right thing automatically in many cases, so I thought 
this was another instance where I thought something complex was required 
but something simple actually worked better. Sorry for putting words in 
your mouth.

> It sounds like you are casting about for something that seems to work
> without really understanding what you're doing.  I suggest you slow down
> and analyze.  Remember that "seems to work" and "works" can be widely
> separated ;-)

Sure, that's a valid assessment. I'll do more reading and see if I can 
make a new start.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com

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