[C++-sig] py++ with template member function of template class

Soloman soloman817 at msn.com
Tue Jun 17 20:09:01 CEST 2008


I have met a problem using py++ (pyplusplus) to generate code.

First, let's see this code:
// template member function
class AFunc
    template <typename T>
    T foo(const T& t) const { return t + 1; }

// we can only fully specialize function
template <>
string AFunc::foo<string>(const string& t) const { return "string"; };

// the following code is used to generate the instance of template functions
#ifdef PYTHONWRAP    
void AFuncInit()
    AFunc a;
    cout << a.foo<int>(1) << endl;
    cout << a.foo<float>(1.5f) << endl;
    cout << a.foo<string>("hello") << endl;

I followed the instruction in py++ homepage->FAQ, and this works, a call to a.foo<int> will generate an instance of that template member function.

But, then, I used template class, and it won't work any more:
// test template member function in template class
// THIS WON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
template <typename A>
class BFunc
    template <typename T>
    T foo(const T& t) const;

template <typename A> template <typename T>
T BFunc<A>::foo(const T& t) const { return t + 1; };

typedef BFunc<int> BFunc_Int;
void BFuncInit()
    BFunc_Int a;
    //void * p = (void *)(&BFunc<int>::template foo<int>);
    cout << a.foo<int>(2) << endl;
    cout << a.foo<float>(2.5) << endl;
    //cout << a.foo<string>("hello") << endl;

Look into the generated code, I saw:
    bp::class_< AFunc >( "AFunc" )    
            , (::std::string ( ::AFunc::* )( ::std::string const & ) const)( &::AFunc::foo )
            , ( bp::arg("t") ) )    
            , (float ( ::AFunc::* )( float const & ) const)( &::AFunc::foo )
            , ( bp::arg("t") ) )    
            , (int ( ::AFunc::* )( int const & ) const)( &::AFunc::foo )
            , ( bp::arg("t") ) );

    bp::class_< BFunc< int > >( "BFunc_Int" );

obviously, a call to BFunc_Int::foo<int> hasn't create the template member function instance, can anybody help me?

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