[C++-sig] bjam: undefined Symbol Error

lin yun yunlin07 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 04:28:44 CET 2008

Hi, folks:

I am having headache with bjam...  I am getting undefined symbol error.

Part of the Jamroot file is shown as below.  multithread_lib is defined as a
system library which is used in generating my own library img_lib.
Bag_wrapper.cpp wraps a C++ class which uses img_lib.

I am getting importError: libimg_lib.so has undefined symbol.  I have tried
for a whole day. Still have not found a way out...

Could you please help?

Thanks a lot,


#system library
lib multithread_lib : : <name>boost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_36 <search>$(MTPATH)
<link>shared ;

#Generate library
lib img_lib : read_write.cpp label_slice.cpp Region3d.cpp
collapse_mappings.cpp ObjectRegions.cpp Bag.cpp Volume.cpp
label_utilities.cpp multithread_lib : <include>$(IPPINCLUDE) ;

# Declare a Python extension called volReader
python-extension Bag_ext : Bag_wrapper.cpp img_lib ;
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