[C++-sig] custom constructor problems

Renato Araujo renatox at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 15:17:16 CET 2008

Hi again :D,

To solve my old problem, I'm trying create custom constructor which
return a shared_ptr<MyClass> like that code:

class my_class_wrapper : my_class, python::wrapper<my_class>

shared_ptr<my_class_wrapper> _create_object(parent *p)
    return shared_ptr<my_class_wrapper>(new my_class_wrapper(p),

shared_ptr<my_class_wrapper> _create_object2()
    return shared_ptr<my_class_wrapper>(new my_class_wrapper(0),

class_<my_class_wrapper>("MyClass", python::no_init)
    .def("__init__", python::make_constructor(_create_object))
    .def("__init__", python::make_constructor(_create_object2))
    .def("get_parent", &MyClass:getParent,


but during my python test, the function get_parent not return the same
python object created in the object constructor. my test is:

parent = MyClass()
child = MyClass(parent)

if (child.get_parent() != parent)
   print "FAIL"
   print "OK"

Always I got the "FAIL" message, but if I remove the custom
constructor the test pass. What I doing wrong all my classes inherit
from "python::wrapper<X>". Then I think all classes have implicit
conversion to "shared_ptr" correct?

Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho

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